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Client also access Email Server directly or

Let's suppose there is a system which comprises of following servers connected via network:-

1.    Web Server

2.    Email Server

3.    Security Server

4.    Database Server

A client which wants to access the web-server, can directly access the web-server by http protocol....

However, Will the client also access email server directly or will it be indirectly through web-sever?  Similarly what will be the case for database server?

Database server, web server, email sever etc are always remotely located. When we talk about network that consists of a number of clients. There is always a main server (gate-way server). Every request of client is directed towards that server. Server will direct each client accordingly whether clients wants to connect with email server, web server or database server. Gate-way server is a sort of traffic controller in network. An other reason of directing data through server is locational transperacy and security servers as well as of network.

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