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Difference Object oriented design and Action oriented design

What is difference between object oriented design and action oriented design , what is actually mean this?? please give me real life exmple.

 In function-oriented approach, data is decomposed according to functionality requirements. That is, decomposition revolves around function. It focuses on the functionality of a system and typically ignores the data until it is required.  In this design approach, Information is communicated via parameters or shared memory For example, consider a function create-new-library-member which essentially creates the record for a new member, assigns a unique membership number to him, and prints a bill towards his membership charge. This function may consist of the following sub-functions:
• Assign-membership-number
• Create-member-record
• Print-bill
The system state is centralized and shared among different functions, e.g. data such as member-records is available for reference and updation to several functions.
In the OO approach, decomposition of a problem revolves around data. Object oriented paradigm focuses both on the functionality and the data at the same time. For example, in a Library Automation Software, each library member may be a separate object with its own data and functions to operate on these data.

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