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Differentiate Hungarian notation, Bi capitalization with example?

Differentiate Hungarian notation, Bi capitalization with example?

Both Hungarian and Bicapitalization are two naming conventions used to name the variables or identifiers in the code.

Hungarian Notation is mainly confined to Microsoft Windows programming environments, such as Microsoft C, C++ and Visual Basic. Hungarian notation involves storing information about the variable in the very name of the variable.

With Hungarian notation, variable names are separated into two parts:

1. The lowercase prefix, which contains information about the variable type, and
2. The qualifier, which tells you what the variable contains. The qualifier usually begins with a capital letter.

For example:    pstrError

BiCapitalization notation is a common name for the practice of writing compound words or phrases where the words are joined without spaces, and each word is capitalized within the compound.

For example:    totalMarks

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