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Differentiate with thin, flat, zero model, how ?

How we can differentiate with thin, flat, zero model ? Kindly explain me the process that vary on these terms.

In case of Thin Client Model, GUI are implemented on client side, whereas all the system processing is done by Server. It means that all the powers are assigned to server and in this case, the client only sends a request and server acknowledges it after doing some processing. Thin-client computing is also a way of easily maintaining computational services at a reduced total cost of ownership. Thin-client computing is also a way of easily maintaining computational services at a reduced total cost of ownership. Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop sharing system which uses thin-client model.

In Fat Client Model, some of the processing responsibilities are also assignment to Client which reduces the burden over the server. For example, in this model, the application is installed on client side, making a distributed processing model where responsibilities are shared among client and server components of the system. But there is some disadvantage associated with this model. That is, if there is any need for application modification or updating, it is needed to be done on all the clients in the system which increases the maintenance effort. This client models are suitable for multiplayer video gaming and many other things. Most PCs (personal computers), for example, are also fat clients because they have their own hard drive DVD drives, software applications and so on.

Due to the maintenance overhead associated with Fat Client Model, it is difficult to implement such model and hence the solution it to adopt Zero Install Model. As oppose to Fat Client, nothing is installed on client side. Web-based application where web-pages are put on a web-server is an example of this type of architecture.

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