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What is meant by “system’s static View”?

What is meant by “system’s static View”? Discuss briefly.

A system can have many views which are captured through Unified Modeling Language (UML). Broadly speaking, each system can have two views; static and dynamic. Static view is concerned with the static structure of the system using objects, attributes, operations and relationships. Static view includes class diagrams and composite structure diagrams.                    
This query has aklready been replied in previous lesson mdb. I recommend you to consult mdb of every lecture. It will not only enhance your knowledge but also restricts you to ask repeated questions.

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  1. `Static view of semantic classes. Requirements are assessed and classes are extracted (and represented) as part of the analysis model.
    Static view of attributes. Every class must be explicitly described. The attributes associated with the class provide a description of the class.
    Static view of relationships. Objects are “connected” to one another in a variety of ways. The analysis model must represent these.
    Static view of behaviors. The relationships just noted define a set of behaviors that accommodate the usage scenario (use-cases) of the system


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