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Exponential Back Off, 802.2LLC, Ethernet

Tell me about "Exponential back off"?
Tell me about "IEEE 802.2LLC" i have no idea about
"How an Ethernet works?"

Every technology/ system defines maximum delay whenever collisions happen. If both systems chose same random time then again collision will happen, then system will chose double time from first number. Suppose first time computer chose random number from 0 to d then on second try, choose double time 0 to 2d and further again 0 to 4d and so on. This all procedure is called exponential back off.

Logic Link Control (LLC) is the IEEE 802.2 LAN protocol that specifies an implementation of the LLC sub layer of the data link layer. IEEE 802.2 LLC is used in IEEE802.3 (Ethernet) and IEEE802.5 (Token Ring) LANs for managing the data-link communication, Link Addressing, Defining Service Access Points (SAPs) and Sequencing.

Ethernet provides access to the networking using Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD). This strategy of network access basically means that the devices on the network listen to the network and wait until the line is clear; they "sense" when the line is clear and they can transmit data. The main advantage of Ethernet is that it is one of the cheapest network architectures to implement. Network interface cards, cabling, and hubs are fairly inexpensive when compared to the hardware required for other architectures.

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