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What are Air, Water, Land and Wild Life and their roles


  • Air consist mainly of 78% N (nitrogen), 21% O2 (oxygen), 0.03% CO2(carbon dioxide) small amount of inert gases, dust particles and water vapors.
  • Except inert gases all these components serve as raw material for living organisms.
  • Air contain fertilizing element Nitrogen, is essential for growth of all plants i.e. to built proteins and nucleic acid.


  • Water is the most important fluid on earth, forming the basis of all types of life.
  • Total water resources of the world has been estimated about 1500 million cubic kilometers of the total water of the world. Where 93% is in the ocean, and 4% in the earth’s crust, 2% is in glaciers and polar ice caps and only 0.052% is in forest, water, lakes, rivers and in atmosphere.
  •  Sea water is used for preparation of table salt and other chemicals.
  • Soil acts as a reservoir for water, rain water percolates in the ground is called gravitational water.
  • Water that accumulates as a thin film around soil particles is called capillary water. 
  • The water being embedded by dry soil particles is called hygroscopic water.
  • Natural water is a renewable resource as it forms important bio geochemical cycle.


  • Both the renewable and non-renewable resources available for use of man on or in the land may be inorganic and organic.
  • Inorganic resources which are used for producing necessary goods are water mineral fuels or metallifeours ores, building stones etc.
  • The organic resources are wood, natural grass on pastures, wild games animals etc.
  • One of the most striking resources of land is its plant cover which depends upon soil, environment and associated animal life.
  • Forests produce timber , fuel, pulp and natural pastures for animal grazing.


  • Wild life means all the non-cultured plants and non-domesticated animals
  • Wild life plays an important role in the balance of nature.
  • Most of the wild animals are captured by people and they earn money by selling them.
  • Some important plants and animals have value for their medicinal importance.
  • Wild life is economically important for developing countries.

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