In this article I’ll give some SEO tips for editors and article writers, because good SEO is not only the responsability of webdesigners. Also article writers have to follow some rules to optimize a page for good SEO results.
1. Finding the Right Keywords:
The very first step of writing an article, is finding the right keyword(s). But what is a keyword? A keyword is a word that other people will use in google to search something. In other words, you have to guess the words that people will use in Google to find your article! This might seem difficult in the beginning, but it’s a very important first step of writing a good SEO-optimized article. A good help for finding the right keywords is the Google Keyword Tool.
2. Title Tag of the Page:
The title tag is one of the most important indicators for Google to know what a page is about. When using WordPress, you don’t have to care about this. You just have to choose a good title for you article. A good article title tells what your page is about AND also has your keyword(s) in it.
3. Use of Header Tags:
Header tags are more important then to write content. Using the heading H1, H2, H3 tags which not only attracts visitor rather then they attain the attention of the search engines.
The H1 Header
Especially the H1 header is a very important tag! One of the first things Google checks when crawling a page of your website, is the title between the H1 tags. Normally, in WordPress, you don’t have to use this tag. When publishing an article, WordPress will use your article title as a title between the H1 tags.
The H2 Header
Use this H2 header for titles inside your article. A lot of people just place the titles inside an article in bold. That’s ok, but a title between these H2 header tags tells Google that this is an important title.
The H3 Header
Use this H3 Header for subtitles inside you article. e.g. we write Use of Header tag (which is h2) then under that heading we use h3 for sub headings.
4. SEO your Images:
An image tells more then 1000 words. Images really add value to an article. That’s why it’s important to add relevant images to an article. However, keep in mind that you have to describe your images, you have to fill in the Alt and Title tags of images. If you’re using WordPress, you have to use the “Title” and “Alternate Text” fields when inserting an image:

5. Write for Visitor, not for Search Engines:
When writing articles for you blog or website, it’s always important to remember who your visitors are. Your visitors are human, and not search engines. What I want to say is that it’s important to optimize your pages for SEO, but at the end, your article must be nice readable for your (human) visitors.
6. Write Unique Content:
One last SEO tip I want to give you is the following golden tip: write unique content. Write content that your readers will not find elsewhere. Or write better articles then the other blogs. Don’t just copy content from other blogs or websites. Duplicate content is very bad for SEO.
ConclusionThese SEO tips might seem simple, but if you’re a beginner these SEO tips are an important guide to write your first SEO friendly articles.
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