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Barriers in Communication - sender & receiver barriers

Barriers in Communication?

What are the senders barriers?

Sender barriers generally related to the style and content of communication that are originated from the sender. The common barriers are:
  • Sender has not determined accurately what listener response is expected.
  • Sender presumes erroneously that the listener has enough knowledge to comprehend the message.
  • Sender keep on talking even when the listener’s attention has been abstracted (i.e. noise, uneasily cold or hot, dangerous objects, etc.).
  • Sender uses alien or strange words and cases during his speech.
  • The sender may say the message in a way that annoys the listener to cause a totally different message to come through than the one anticipated.

How to remove Communication Barriers?

Your point of concern is that how to eliminate the barriers of communication. To overcome these hurdles we must ensure the following measures:

  • Language of the message must be simple.
  • Use appropriate channel to communicate the message.
  • The communicator must try to reduce or eliminate the noise levels of environment.
  • He/she must try to eliminate the perceptional differences of listeners.
  • He/she must avoid to over burdening the listeners with information.
  • He/she must get feedback from the listeners.
  • He/she must be an active listener to respond to the feedback of listeners.
  • On the other hand a listener must give constructive feedback to the speaker.
  • He/she must not jump to the conclusion.
  • He/she must avoid partial or selective listening.

How can we remove the barrier from the listener?

Listener barriers related to the listeners mind set. Typical mind sets of listeners include not paying concentration or daydreaming. The listener normally reveals confrontation toward the sender or the message.There are several ways to eradicate these barriers.

  1. Listeners should check themselves when the other person is speaking to make it certain that he/she is listening rather than planning your next note or thinking of what you will have for next activity.
  2. It is the responsibility of the person to be an effective listener. Prejudice is a set opinion of feeling, which is usually unreasonable. 
  3. It is very dangerous and the reason may be the speaker's race, religion, age or appearance.
  4. This can be eliminated if the listeners should reverence the other person for his or her knowledge and skills, irrespective of the person's background and avoid saying that "I know what he or she is going to say" when he/she is speaking. 
  5. The other main types of distractions are physical, mental, auditory and visual.

Barriers from the listener can be removed by:

  • Maintain the eye contact with the speaker.
  • Ensure your comfort ability.

What are Speech barriers?

Speech pattern is a usual verbal attribute which can be the response of any psychological or emotional situation. For instance, if a person uses the phrase “you know” several times in his or her speech, indicates that he or she is nervous.

Sometimes speech patterns also help the presenter to gain the attraction of target audience.

Is it good to use the speech patterns in interpersonal speech?

As far as interpersonal communication is concerned speech patterns definitely affect your message. For example, if the sender keeps on repeating some words like “look, ok fine, all right, ok” etc. He or she will lose the attention of the receiver.


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