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Uses of internet - Essay

 The internet has become a sensation.Now a days it his something human cannot functions without any more.It has occupied a great part of our lives. We use the internet for almost every little and a big task now.It ranges from searching for a job to listening to music.

The internet has basically made our lives easier and convenient. The world is at our fingers tips now when we see how it has changed the scenario of the modern world.We can't help but notice it's is used in all spheres of life now.

The world has become smaller because of the internet.Now we can communicate with our friends ocean away. The days of letter writing our gone everything is instant now.Further more we can now get news updates from all over the world.The women anything takes place anywhere in the world.We get to know about it in addition we are inform about the natural calamities visit the correct time. Moreover we can easily find our job using the internet.

Thus we know how the internet has changed and made our lives easy in various ways.We can connect and get access to unlimited entertainment instantly.

Uses of Internet - Essay


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