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Showing posts with the label Databases-and-ApplicationsShow all
What is Data Structure and importance of data Structure
How to multi-valued attribute in E-R diagram?
Commonality between RAID technology and Tape Drive
Difference in Inner join and Left Outer Join.
Difference Between Attributes and Fields
MS SQL not Compatible with Windows 7
What is constraint? also attribute?
Datetime,Interval and Alter in MS Sql
Normalization and Partioning
Physical DB Design and Adequate System?
Where to make Logical Design ?
What is Ad Hoc Query and Partitioning ?
One to One,One to Many,Many to Many ?
When functional dependency F is said to be minimal?
SQL Server 2000 isn't compatible with this version
Why intersection not include in ?
Candidate key,Super key ,Minimal Super key
What is Boyce-Codd Normal Form?
Transitive dependency,BCNF,Anomalies Question ?
What is primary key or foreign key?