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Person to Group and Channel Communication?

Q.1 Is "Person to Group Communication" only used in Companies?

Q.2 What are the channels of communication?

Q.3 Sir in feedback, their is "probing" and "support", can you explain them?

Person to group communication may is not specific to companies rather it occurs in different contexts and situations other than companies. Opinion leader holding a session with the people from any local community is an example of person to group communication other than company meetings. Secondly you asked about the channels of communication. Channel is the medium used in the process of communication to transmit the message from sender to receiver. It may be written or oral. We convey our messages through speaking, writing or even with gestures, expressions and body language etc; all these are the channels in the process of communication.

Now come to your last question about support and probing. Basically, these are the stages of the feedback that occur in our routine interactions. The process of the feed back begins with Evaluation means that we try to judge by both verbal and non verbal message of sender what he/she is trying to communicate. Then we go for interpretation of that message of the sender means we interpret his/ her statement into meanings and then come to support means that we assist the sender by asking that ‘is this what you mean by the statement” or “is this what you are trying to communicate”. Then we ask additional information to clarify our understanding of the reader’s message which is called probing and continue the discussion to find out the complete meaning of the sender’s message which is called understanding.


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